Have you ever think of that Ice could be lit on fire to produce a New Energy source???
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Methane Hydrate |
Methane hydrate forms in places where the temperature and pressure is just right, like deep underground and far beneath the sea. There are deposits all over the world, including the Arctic Circle and Antarctica. At first glance, it looks like regular ice. Methane hydrate is a cage-like lattice of ice inside of which are trapped molecules of methane, the chief constituent of natural gas. If methane hydrate is either warmed or depressurized, it will revert back to water and natural gas. When brought to the earth's surface, one cubic meter of gas hydrate releases 164 cubic meters of natural gas. Hydrate deposits may be several hundred meters thick and generally occur in two types of settings: under Arctic permafrost, and beneath the ocean floor. Methane that forms hydrate can be both biogenic, created by biological activity in sediments, and thermogenic, created by geological processes deeper within the earth.. Experts in the field believe the global supply of methane hydrate is larger than the entire world's supply of natural gas, oil, and coal.
Maria van der Hoeven, the IEA’s executive director, said in an interview last year: “There may be other surprises in store. For example, the methane hydrates off the coasts of Japan and Canada ... This is still at a very early stage. But shale gas was in the same position 10 year ago. So we cannot rule out that new revolutions may take place through technological developments.”
If methods can be created to extract it safely and economically, it could be a "game changer" in energy.
There's one problem: methane has up to 36 times more global warming potential than carbon dioxide. ok, several: extracting the stuff could negatively impact local ecological balance, and we haven't found good ways to extract it safely. "If gas is present at sufficient concentrations beneath the seafloor within the gas hydrate stability field, you'd expect it to be in the form of hydrates," New Zealand-based geoscientist, Ingo Pecher from the University of Auckland, told Media. This could make it a more accessible resource for many countries over the next 20-30 years while greener solutions are being developed over the long term. It could also mean greater self-sufficiency for many countries, such as Japan, that import most or all of their fuel.
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By the early 2000s, scientists in Japan, China, Norway, India, Canada and the United States were all exploring the potential for methane hydrate as a fuel source. In 2013, a team of researchers in Japan made headlines by completing the world's first trial extraction of oceanic methane hydrate. They drilled 1,000 feet below the Pacific Ocean and used specialized equipment to pipe the gas to the surface, and hoped to produce a viable method for commercial use within a decade. Unfortunately, the tests ran into some obstacles, but by May 2017 they were up and running again.
During the same time, Chinese researchers developed a floating gas extraction platform to explore newly discovered methane hydrate deposits in the South China Sea. Using their own method of extraction, they were able to produce 35,000 cubic meters of gas per day—much more than what was produced in the Japanese experiments, according to professors at the University of Singapore. Around the world, China's success is being hailed as a breakthrough, that may just lead to a global revolution in natural energy.
"In order to reduce CO2 emissions starting now, not in 20 to 30 years, we need to promote switching from coal to natural gas."
"Natural gas from hydrates may play a key role for such a switch in many parts of the world."
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