What Happens If GPS fails?

Do you know what happens when GPS stop working????
GPS is a part of our daily life.The whole world is nothings without it.What happens if the Global Positioning System (GPS) that controls precision time signals goes down?
If GPS fails ,very big problem may arise.

In only took thirteen millionths of a second to cause a whole lot of problems.One day in January 2016, the U.S. Air Force decommissioned a single satellite and accidentally uploaded an incorrect time to the clocks aboard 15 others in the process. The time difference was tiny -- only 13 millionths of a second -- but the results were significant. Police, fire, and EMS radio equipment in some parts of North America stopped functioning for more than 12 hours, and BBC digital radio went out for two days in several areas.
What happens if the Global Positioning System (GPS) that controls precision time signals goes down?But if GPS fails very big problem could arise.In only took thirteen millionths of a second to cause a whole lot of problems.
One day in January 2016, the U.S. Air Force decommissioned a single satellite and accidentally uploaded an incorrect time to the clocks aboard 15 others in the process. The time difference was tiny -- only 13 millionths of a second -- but the results were significant. Police, fire, and EMS radio equipment in some parts of North America stopped functioning for more than 12 hours, and BBC digital radio went out for two days in several areas.
While the problem went unnoticed by many people thanks to short-term backup systems, panicked engineers in Europe called equipment makers to help resolve things before global telecommunications networks began to fail.

What's most essential about GPS is time: each satellite contains multiple atomic clocks that are synchronized to nanosecond precision and continually broadcast signals to Earth. For navigation, GPS units use the tiny differences in the arrival time of each of these signals to know exactly where they are in the world. But some things, like cell towers, power grids, and ATMs, rely on the time alone to stay synchronized.

  last January’s system failure brings up an often-ignored question: What if all these flying clock radios were wiped out, and everything on the ground started blinking 12:00? According to Mike Lombardi, a metrologist at the National Institute for Standards and Technology, “Nobody knows exactly what would happen.” Since so many of these technologies were designed specifically with GPS in mind, the unsettling truth, he says, is “there’s no backup.”

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